Senin, 09 Februari 2009

'------------------------------------------------------'How To: Search a Database for a specific record'Posted: 06-July-98'------------------------------------------------------Q: I am writing a VB5 program to interface with a MS Access will add and delete records and scroll through all the records currently entered. I need to be able to add a Find function to this application. I tried the FindFirst and FindNext methods didn`t work. I need it to display the record that matches the given search string. A: You want to Search the Given data in a Table...Let me give you an example for this. Suppose You want to Search for CustomerName in Customer Table of CustomerDetails Database. The text you want to search is in "Text1.Text" box. Dim VSearch as String VSearch = "CustomerName="+Text1.TextCustomerDetails.Recordset.FindFirst VSearch 'This is all you have to do to check that 'your search is succesful use NoMatch Property ustomerDetails.Recordset.Nomatch = True' Not FoundElse "Record is Found " Yogesh A: The following is from an early program of mine.Today I use SQL and do not use the data control if possible. But this works: Dim sBookMk As String, sTmp As String sBookMk = Data1.Recordset.BookmarkTmp = "Name >= " & Chr$(34) & _ txtSeek.Text & Chr$(34)'Was one line.Data1.Recordset.FindFirst sTmpIf Data1.Recordset.NoMatch ThenData1.Recordset.Bookmark = sBookMkEnd If The number one problem with FindNext, etc. methods and SQL is in handling the quotes. Note the Chr$(34)`s. They are quotation marks. Beyond that, note that the routine cleans up after itself by checking for a match. If no match, the data control`s recordset is set back to the record that was current prior to the FindNext. Bob Walsh A: In an inventory database I have I need to be able to look up items by number. This must be done so entering a number of 35 will find item 35, but not item 535. In case it would help here is the code I use from my access module. Function Find_Record_By_Item#()Dim Notice As StringDim Msg As StringDim Buttons As IntegerDim Title As StringDim Number As StringDim Number2 As Integerstart:Msg = "Enter an item number to look up and press enter." _& Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "To cancel this operation press escape."Title = "Item Number Look up"Number = InputBox(Msg, Title)If Number <> "" ThenDoCmd.FindRecord Number, acEntire, False, acSearchAll, True, acAll, TrueScreen.ActiveForm![txtItem_Number].SetFocusNumber2 = Screen.ActiveForm![txtItem_Number].TextIf Number <> Number2 ThenMsg = "The item number you entered was not found." & Chr(13) _& "Please enter another one."Title = "Invalid Item Number"Buttons = 48Notice = MsgBox(Msg, Buttons, Title)GoTo startEnd IfElseScreen.ActiveForm![txtItem_Number].SetFocusEnd IfIf Screen.ActiveForm![txtItem_Number].Locked = True ThenScreen.ActiveForm![txtDate_of_Sale].SetFocusEnd IfEnd Function The last If allows for immediate data entry after lookup on the sales form where the item number, description, and asking price fields are looked (They can only be changed on the items form.). Chr(13) represents a carriage return. Lila Godel



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